Ovulation Depression? This is How You Can Deal With It

Every woman does not suffer from ovulation depression. However, some of the women are affected quite heavily due to this kind of depression. So, do you know what causes this depression? Why does it appear during, prior or after the menstrual cycle? Is it possible to treat? Should a woman use drugs and natural remedies as a treatment? How the PMS depression is different than other kinds of anxiety attacks?


Ovulation Depression

Due to ovulation depression, it is possible to encounter much more than cramping or bloating. In addition, symptoms of menstrual, you may experience mood swings. As the time of period comes close, aggression, anxiety and tension may increase both physically and mentally. If you suffer from other kind of disorder then it may escalate during this time too. Similar things can be observed every month. Hormonal changes are prime reason behind the depression. 8% of the women experience this depression.


  • A sense of hopelessness may engulf you.
  • It is possible to feel anxious all the time.
  • ​Irritation may become a part of your characteristics.
  • ​Sleeping issues
  • ​Loss of motivation
  • Problems may be seen with concentration
  • ​Shortage of energy
  • Muscle pain, weight gain, bloating, tender breast and cramping may be observed at the same time.


To overcome the issue of ovulation depression, balance between hormones must be achieved. It is generally hampered as a result of pre-menstruation. First stage is prone to this depression. Both the supplements and vitamins can be consumed to eliminate the symptom of depression easily. So, what kind of supplement and vitamin can you take on the occasion?

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New Chapter Vitamin B Complex

B complex or B6: Prevention of the ovulation depression is possible with B6 along with pantothenic acid and Niacin. Magnesium is generally absorbed within the B complex which assists to deal with the depression.

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Nature's Bounty Calcium

Calcium: Different kinds of problems connected to the menstrual cycle can be treated through calcium as it can shift both the depression and mood automatically. Through help from Vitamin D, effect of calcium can be noticed in the body. It is better to take 1500mg of calcium every day.

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Just Potent Ultra-High Absorption Magnesium Chelate

Magnesium: For ovulation depression, impact of the magnesium is quite well known. High dosages of magnesium must be consumed everyday on the occasion. Dosages can be seen between 125mg and 300mg. By taking these dosages, four times a day, remedy can be acquired.

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In addition to above vitamins and supplements, you can also take Hydroxy Tryptophan, Zinc and Vitamin E.


  • Serotonin in the form of anti depressant works very well for the ovulation depression. However, use of this medicine is observed in extreme cases only.
  • Some over-the-counter medicines are available also such as Midol and Pamprin.


To stay away from PMD, some non-pharmaceutical options are seen also. It becomes important for a woman to know what offers them comfort during this time. Herbal remedies may be quite beneficial. Symptoms of Ovulation depression may be reduced with evening primrose oil. Secretion of prostaglandins can be controlled with primrose which creates a havoc effect on depression.

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